The Narrowest Street In Prague

Westley mentioned that the narrowest street in Prague was barely wide enough to walk through. While strolling around Malá Strana, I saw a small group of people gathered at a random spot in the middle of a block and stopped to see what they were looking at. It quickly dawned on me that I had found myself at the top of the narrowest street in Prague.

Street 1Street 3

It’s less than 20 inches wide and requires a traffic light for people to walk up or down as it’s too narrow for two people to squeeze past each other.


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A weird Prague quirk, but I’m not going to lie, I was quite pleased that I found it!

Hidden Gardens of Prague

While wondering around Malá Strana one day, I stumbled upon not one, but two hidden gardens!

The first was Vojanovy Sady, a walled, grassy enclave in the middle of a fairly busy street.

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It was quite peaceful with very few people. Although several peacocks called this pretty, little park home.

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The second was Wallenstein Garden, the gardens outside of the Senate Palace, which I quickly realized wasn’t quite as “hidden” as the first. This one had beautiful geometric garden mazes outside an absolutely stunning Senate building.

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I actually lucked out as the Senate Palace happened to be open for a few hours and I was able to roam around inside. While I didn’t get any pictures, it was all very beautiful.

On my way out, I once again soaked in the gorgeous weather and scenery.

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Riegrovy Sady: Prague’s Best Sunset View

I don’t think one can ever get sick of the views in Prague. Whether you’re overlooking the city from near the castle…


…or up at the castle from the river…

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…or out from the Astronomical Clock…


…or suspended 50 meters in the air…


…it’s all just stunning.

Luckily for me, Prague saved one last beautiful sunset. The night before Jillian was heading back to the U.S., we ducked out of work a bit early to go watch the sunset at Reigrovy Sady park.

We had been to the park several times, but usually to frequent the beer garden. So when we found the famed sunset hill, we couldn’t believe the perfectly framed view of the castle. And as the sun set, the view kept getting more and more beautiful.

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Thank you, Prague, for continuing to stun me with your beauty.